Victoria Campbell

Spike Art Magazine, art critic; contributing editor
Federated Wiki, open-source contributor.
Campbell Carolan, ghostwriter.


“Point Break” Spike Art Magazine, Issue 67.
"Rules of the Game" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 68.
"Art After Work" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 62.
"Everyone I have Ever Slept With 1963-1995" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 69.
”This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 66.
“Alien vs Pret-a-porter" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 64.
“The Moon in Review" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 61.
"Square Root" Spike Art Magazine, Issue 61.
“The Safeword is Post-Studio Practice.” Spike Art Magazine, Issue #60.

Selected digital

"What art and science seem to have in common is that there’s no exact theory of either one." Grow Magazine, online.

"Beneath the layers of CGI that are the human condition, one begins to grasp Kant’s nightmare of pure reason." AQNB, online.

★★★★★ BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – When I visited the “light filled” and “air conditioned” “upper east side townhouse” affair over the summer, Katherine Overgaard proposed “more than one contemporary art” over one or more “art histories.” Downtown Critic, online.

Campbell Carolan

NAFTA: Miami 2019 Montez Press Radio edition starring Sam Ashford, Ala Deghan, Dean Kissick, James Schaeffer, Pujan Karambeigi and Micaela Carolan. Script Soundcloud

Nafta: Contemporary Act II of NAFTA: Miami was performed at Merde!, Alyssa Davis Gallery gala, 2022. Starring Blake_the_man1000.

Hamstermachine 13th St Repertory Theatre, NYC, New York. Situational Conflict/Conflict Situations. With Micaela Carolan. Reel

"There we were emerging into the contemporary, with this goddamned incredibly expensive car,completely twisted on current events, no cash, no market viability and no chargers. And on top of everything, a ten car pile up of missed calls. We’d been in the Catskills for long enough for people to notice we weren’t at work."

Soft Skills: Mastering Online Performance Press bulletin.

Code (or language that does what it says)

Portfolio site template. An art portfolio page where all your projects are QR codes

Satoshi vs. Siegelaub. Implementing the 1971 Artist's Deal on the ethereum blockchain.

Stop following me. Solving portfolio application requirements that limit image submissions to 15. This framework loops a video upon click to reinterpret an "image" as a process of execution to explore sequences of presentation in hypermedia.

A modest NFT proposal.

Other media

Video glossary

Make Spiritual America Great Again Repatriation Project In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In art, things that are considered especially heinous are kitsch. The story you are about to hear is true: in 1983, in New York City, Kimberly Skeen was Kim Fine when she was set up, conned, living with the kind of man who could find the only mouse hole in Mar-a-Lago and use it to fuck the world and running a shell gallery out of her apartment: Spiritual America. The door code is “Testimony”: “It hit me like a rock: Richard and I were at the Met looking at photographs when I saw it. “This is it! This is the name of the gallery!” And so I talked him into understanding that not only thru the lens of my fascination with religions and how they organize people, but the America of that moment in all it’s twentieth century glory of and maddening addiction to consumerism, war, mutually assured destruction, vulgarity and de sensitization that had creeped into every facet of how we dealt with one another….that photograph said it all. To me as a horse lover, to me as a keenly aware and highly charged young, single woman, bound and yet not bound by convention, free yet constrained by a culture that had not caught up to me, and lastly….we stole the title of Steiglitzs’ photo, just like Richard stole the photo of Brooke Shields by Gary Gross. Just like Gary Gross stole her incandescent beauty to make a book of what could only be described as kiddie porn. Just like America stole the idea of freedom and self determination to go into the business of being at war. Spiritual America. It was pretty straightforward and there it was, just waiting for us to use it and so we did. “

"Art Boy 2: The Undead" is a home movie for the New York art world that tackles big questions. What is art? What is it for? What happened to the avant-garde? Is progress in art desirable or even possible? And what does "society" have to do with all of this? The live event screening of "Art Boy 2: The Undead" is followed by a discussion moderated by Caesura magazine. The movie features contributions from Victoria Campbell, Rafael Foster, Aaron Lehman, Chris Mansor, Clint Montgomery, Sean Tatol, Olivia van Kuiken, and Allison Hewitt Ward.

Phoning in on-site @ the last remaining American commune est. 1968 for a TMI.

I hate answering to is-art-dead so I'm drunk for this podcast ft. Nate Freeman, Micaela Carolan and Joe Kay on sports commentary.