I've installed the new wiki version 0.21.0 on my home and work laptops and have begun the process of upgrading ubuntu, node and wiki on each of the digital ocean wiki farms I run. I want to let you know that it is fantastic. We have Joshua and Paul to thank for this, so, thank you Joshua and Paul.
You are probably wanting to try this out yourself. I suggest you start here: site
But as work has advanced through various stages of development this hierarchy has become scrambled. Full text search to the rescue.
Go here to find anything you want to know about wiki's recent past and possible future. Make up topics that you think we might have considered. Did we? How good was our vision? Try "search", then try "full text search". I just did. "search" is mentioned often but "full text search" only once.
Never mind what I said about "full text search" appearing only once. I just posted this thread on a page by that name and the search index updated immediately. Awesome.
As a test I have created a roster with every site that includes my name in this farm.
find . -maxdepth 1 -exec bash -c \ "echo -ne '{} '; ls '{}/pages' | wc -l" \; | \ sort -k 2 -n | grep ward
3d.mac.ward.asia.wiki.org bigone.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.fed.wiki hurray.ward.asia.wiki.org pie.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.agency.pods.wiki.org 3x.ward.asia.wiki.org all.ward.asia.wiki.org ruediger.ward.asia.wiki.org dots.ward.asia.wiki.org mac.ward.asia.wiki.org mirela.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.tries.fed.wiki health.ward.asia.wiki.org scrum.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.mitte.tries.fed.wiki chat.ward.asia.wiki.org xp.ward.asia.wiki.org imrad.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.dork.wiki.org create.ward.fed.asia.wiki.org hist.ward.asia.wiki.org bordeaux.ward.asia.wiki.org new.ward.asia.wiki.org norms.ward.asia.wiki.org earth.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.walt.tries.fed.wiki ft8.ward.asia.wiki.org radio.ward.asia.wiki.org life.ward.asia.wiki.org home.ward.asia.wiki.org h2.ward.asia.wiki.org path.ward.asia.wiki.org ward.asia.wiki.org forage.ward.fed.wiki.org