Forgetting Machines

DOT strict digraph rankdir=TB node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightpink penwidth=3 color=white] HERE NODE node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica" fontcolor=white] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=white] LINKS HERE -> NODE node [style="filled,rounded" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=white] HERE NODE LINKS HERE -> NODE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=red] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE

CEVOLINI, Alberto (ed.), 2016. Forgetting machines: knowledge management evolution in early modern Europe. Leiden Boston: Brill. Library of the written word The handpress world, volume 53 volume 40. ISBN 978-90-04-32525-8.